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Arno Mong Daastøl's list of articles

A list of articles and reports - some with a short description

Concerning the popular debate articles, 
- unless there is an active URL available,  I will only publish below the article as it was delivered to the newspapers. In practically all instances, the shortest version of my suggestion was printed and modifications have been very minor. Not printed sections will be indented.

Published professional articles

Published popular articles

Forthcoming Publications

Works in Progress

Studies in Innovative Transit (Urban Transportation)

Unpublished professional essays

Unpublished popular articles

Published professional articles etc. :


2017 - forthcoming:

The Importance of Mental Capital in List’s Economic Philosophy - or,  How Economics Forgot the Most Obvious in Being Human, to be published in: Eugen Wendler and Stephan Seitler (eds). (2016).


Friedrich List - The International Dynamics of Mindpower, published as chapter 5 in: Jayati Ghosh, Rainer Kattel & Erik Reinert (eds). (2016). Elgar Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar


 Friedrich List’s 'Great Nations’ - Mobilising Capital for Quality Labour: What the USA and the EU can learn from Friedrich List’s solution to America’s debt crisis, published as chapter 4 in: Backhaus, Jürgen G. (2015). (ed.). Great Nations at Peril,  Berlin: Springer Press

Austerity versus productive investment - Two traditions in capital formation and growth: Friedrich List’s criticism of Adam Smith’s materialism and barter-based view of Capital, published as chapter 5 in: Backhaus, Jürgen G. (2015). (ed.). Great Nations at Peril,  Berlin: Springer Press


Pakistan Development Review 







Developing Society According to Man’s Development (with Johannes Hanel), in Backhaus, Jürgen G. (2011). The State as Utopia. Continental Approaches, Berlin: Springer Press  (an elaboration of Steiner's socio-economic theories of 'Threefolding')








Høyhastighetstog er gammeldags- Sats på GTS in Samferdsel no.9 (i.e. 'Transport')
    (High Speed Rail is Old fashioned - Go for GTS)


Kollektivtrafikk - fra pengesluk til pengemaskin in Samferdsel no.9 (i.e. 'Transport')
    (Public transport - From White Elephant to Moneymaker)

The Other Canon - The History of Renaissance Economics, (with Erik S. Reinert)
Exploring the Genesis of Economic Innovations (with Erik S. Reinert)
In: Evolutionary Development Economics, edited by Erik S. Reinert, Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2006

Friedrich List , short reference article on List, in The Encyclopaedia of Law and Society, New York, 2006


Friedrich List , updated  reference article on List from 1999, in The Elgar’s Companion to Law and Economics, London, 2005

See also the section on innovative transportation

The Other Canon - The History of Renaissance Economics, (with Erik S. Reinert)
in: Globalisation, Economic Development and Inequality - An Alternative Perspective,
Edward Elgar, 2004, Edited by Erik Reinert.

See also the section on innovative transportation

See also the section on innovative transportation

See also the section on innovative transportation

See also the section on innovative transportation

Transportation and Civil Liberty - Karl Bücher's Contribution , in Karl Bücher, Metropolis Verlag, Marburg, 2000

Shock-Therapy Rent-Seeking or Mercantilist Rent Creation . Transportation, Credit and Raw Materials in the Russian Transformation, in The Maastricht ISINI-papers Volume I (of I-III),  Edited by G. Meijer, W.J.M. Heijman, Jac van Ophem & B.H.J. Verstegen, Shaker Publishing BV, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 2000. 

See also the section on innovative transportation

Production Capitalism vs. Financial Capitalism - Symbiosis and Parasitism. An Evolutionary Perspective. Prolegomenon and Bibliography, with Dr. Erik Reinert, SUM (Centre for Development and Environment), University of Oslo, 1999. Documents from a workshop-conference held in Oslo, September 3-4, 1998
Organised by Norsk Investorforum, Oslo & SUM, Centre for Development and Environment, University of Oslo

Friedrich List , reference article on List, in The Elgar’s Companion to Law and Economics, London, 1999

See also the section on innovative transportation

Exploring the Genesis of Economic Innovations : The religious gestalt-switch and the duty to invent as preconditions for economic growth, In: Christian Wolff and Law and Economics, In: Christian Wolff. Gesammelte Werke, Materialen und Dokumente. Georg Olms Verlag, Hildeheim, Zürich, New York, 1998, pp. 233-283. (With Erik Reinert) : The religious gestalt-switch and the duty to invent as preconditions for economic growth, In: Christian Wolff and Law and Economics, In: Christian Wolff. Gesammelte Werke, Materialen und Dokumente. Georg Olms Verlag, Hildeheim, Zürich, New York, 1998, pp. 233-283. (With Erik Reinert)

The Other Canon : The History of Renaissance Economics. Its Role as an Immaterial and Production-based Canon in the History of Economic Thought and in the History of Economic Policy, Working Paper ,1: Working Paper , SUM - Centre for Development and Environment, University of Oslo 2. Norsk Investorforum Publications ER-2 (with Erik Reinert)  


Exploring the Genesis of Economic Innovations : The religious gestalt-switch and the duty to invent as preconditions for economic growth, European Journal of Law and Economics, 1997/4, pp.233-283. (With Erik Reinert, polished and extended version of the NUPI issue, 1995) (50 p.) : The religious gestalt-switch and the duty to invent as preconditions for economic growth, European Journal of Law and Economics, 1997/4, pp.233-283. (With Erik Reinert, polished and extended version of the NUPI issue, 1995) (50 p.)

Det tekno-økonomiske paradigmeskiftet – konsekvenser for norske distrikts- og ressursbaserte næringer. Norsk Investorforum, 1/97, Oslo1997. (Contribution under Erik Reinerts authorship, in particular to the theoretical part and the historical part.) A report requested by KAD (Norwegian Department of Municipal Affairs) and Norsk Bondelag (Norwegian Assocation of Farmers).

Shock-Therapy Rent-Seeking or Mercantilist Rent Creation . Transportation, Credit and Raw Materials in the Russian Transformation, in On Political Economy of Transformation. Country Studies, Metropolis Verlag, Magdeburg, 1997. Here is a description. of the complete book. . Transportation, Credit and Raw Materials in the Russian Transformation, in On Political Economy of Transformation. Country Studies, Metropolis Verlag, Magdeburg, 1997. Here is a description. of the complete book.


Exploring the Genesis of Economic Innovations : The religious gestalt-switch and the duty to invent as preconditions for economic growth, with Erik Reinert. The link is to the finished article. 

Draft published by NUPI (Norwegian Institute of Foreign Affairs)- working series No.540, December 1995: (with Erik Reinert). (35p.) 
The above article was distributed by :
1. SINTEF, Oslo (The Foundation for Industrial and Technical Research: 60 x)
2. Næringsdepartementet (Norwegian Department of Industry: 50 x) 
3. Norges Forskningsråd (Norwegian Council of Research: 300 x) in anthologies on innovation. : 

Friedrich Lists Einfluss in den Niederlanden, with Prof.Dr. Jürgen Backhaus, Maastricht, Netherlands. Working paper. WP/96/012. (1996) University of Limburg, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Maastricht. (25 p.)

Published in Eugen Wendler (ed.) (1996). "Die Vereinigung des Kontinentes" – Friedrich List - Die gesamt-europäische Wirkungsgeschichte seines ökonomischen Denkens, Scäffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart 1997.

This is an anthology celebrating the 150 year commemoration of Germany’s foremost economist historically, Friedrich List, with a foreword by the prime-minister of Baden-Würtemberg, Germany.

The search procedure, including a 39 page detailed bibliography of old Dutch literature, may be found here .


Journal of Economic Studies, Issue on the German economist Wilhelm Roscher. (80 p.)
    (Aborted: Did not meet deadline, but an 80 page manuscript is nearly finished)


Forthcoming publications:

The Threefold Commonwealth of Rudolf Steiner and the Interacting Principles of Associative Economics

‘The British Historical School’ and ‘Social Imperialism’ - Preserving the Empire through Corporatism and Tariff Reform

Friedrich List, the Ultimate Globalist . Regulating Entrepreneurship and World Power, Journal of Economic Studies, 1999


Other Works in Progress:

Outline of PhD dissertation : Generalisation and Transformation - The Impact of the Idealistic Tradition of Economic Policy, Friedrich List and The South African Development Path. (under rewriting)

Man the producer or Man the trader? Different Images of Man as Bases for Different Development Strategies.
- Renaissance Idealism versus Enlightenment Materialism
, Lecture at the International Conferences in Oslo, May 1996

Generalisation and economic policy – An Essay on Basic Guidelines for Industrial Policy for Norway and for Norwegian Shipping

Financial Instability and Underconsumption . Lessons From the Monetary Heretics.  - On Economic Circulation, Oversaving, Distribution, and Demand. Lecture at the International Conferences in Oslo, August 1997, on: Production Capitalism vs. Financial Capitalism - Symbiosis and Parasitism. An Evolutionary Perspective and Globalisation and Marginalisation in the 1990’s. An Evolutionary and Activity-Specific Perspective.

The Materialist Background to Formalism in Economics - Creativity versus Extraction, 12th Heilbronn Symposion in Economics and the Social Sciences, Heilbronn, Germany (Devoted to the German language tradition in economics mainly). Conference on "The Role of Mathematics in the Social Sciences in General and Economics in Particular"

The South African Development Path. The impact of the Continental Idealist Tradition of Economic Policy. (So far 170 pages)

Friedrich List’s development strategy (So far 80 pages)

The Strategic Historical and Economical Importance of the Netherlands until 1914. (So far 200 p.)

The Russian Transformation. (So far 120 p.)

Transformation. With Plamen Tchipev, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Economics.

A Model of Soft-Capitalism for Eastern Europe, with Andrew Reed (International Financial Services, Moscow, Russia) and Prof. Dr. Joseph Ezra Bigio (Lisboa, Portugal). Both of the Int. J. Schumpeter Society.

Wilhelm Roscher on welfare and population. (So far 100 p.)

Økonomisk metode og politikk. Master thesis elaborated for publication. (So far 300 p.)


A dozen studies to be found at my PRT (cabtrack) homepage under the heading ‘documents’: 
- to be moved to :

- Mainly meant for the Norwegian public, regarding the development of Oslo and in particular the emerging high tech centre at the former Oslo airport of Fornebu

2004: Brochure on PRT in Norway, multimedia CD, project site:
2003: In depth economic calculations on PRT (spreadsheets available on request), promotion material :
2002: Facts and arguments for AkerKvaerner (on why this company ought to engage in PRT- Personal Rapid Transit).
2001: A review of monorail versus PRT
 (Personal Rapid Transit)
The Oslo-belt concept - (a strategy for gradually introducing PRT /APM in all of Oslo through using the belt of business areas around the city center, as opposed to intervening into living quarters and other more objectionable areas
2000: Report of the advantages of PRT for Statens Vegvesen Akershus (the national road authorities)
1999: Report of the advantages of PRT for Akershus Fylkeskommune’s Samferdselsavdeling (the regional transportation authorities)
1999: A preliminary view of the Fornebu-cabtrack system
1999: Early prospect costs in spreadsheets and diagrams
1999: Early Overhead sheets:  
1999: PowerPoint demonstration  
1998: A comment to the report from Asplan-Viak, "Silingsrapporten" about "Banebetjening på Fornebu":  
1998: A comment to the report from Avia-plan on behalf of IT-Fornebu: "Helhetsplan for IT-Fornebu": 
1998: A short essay on the potentials related to cabtrack at Fornebu



Published popular articles 
- mainly on economic policy:

- incomplete collection, and in Norwegian
- except in 1997 and 1998 for WSJE



«Hopp Kragerø!» , Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 19th Sept. - tilrettelegging av aktiv turisme

«Pinnebyen» på pælær og plank , Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 18th Aug. - Kragerø sentrums fortid som våtmark

Turistvennlige Kragerø (?), Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 19th July - Kragerøs jubileumsfest - og byggestøy ved gjestebrygga 


Drøm eller virkelighet?, Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 3rd  Dec. - Svar til innvandringsvenner 

En bedre løsning , Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 19th July - Masseinnvandring er skadelig for Norges befolkning 


En arrogant redaktør , Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 19th July - KVs redaktør bakvasker kritiske røster

Kunsten å skite i eget reir, Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 11th March - om byutvikling og byggestil


Næringsutviklingen, Kragerø Blad Vestmar,  15th Jan

Befolkningsutviklingen, Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 12th Feb

Noen er likere enn andre (Orwell), Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 29th July, - om Sentrumsplanen og det offentlige som den største synder


Eventyrhuset, Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 26th Jan


Inkompetent LO i lykkeland (pdf),  Klassekampen, 23rd May (English translation included: 'Incompetent LO in Happy-land')

Finansnæringens LO (pdf) Klassekampen, 14th May - English translation: The Trade Union Confederation of the Financial Business

Oljefondet og LOs passivitet (pdf) Klassekampen, 13th April - English translation: The Norwegian Oil Fund and the Passiveness of the Trade Union Confederation

Sammenheng og handling , Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 19th April

Kragerø mangler praktiske visjoner og vilje , Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 15th April

Intet nytt i kultursuppa, Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 13th Dec.

Kultur-Stalins mausoleum, Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 13th Dec.

Kulturelt hasardspill, Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 14th Dec.

"Kulturistens" glade alternativ?, Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 21th Dec.


Demokratiser lokalpolitikken! , Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 5th April

Noe må gjøres ...! , Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 9th April

Mindreverdige Kragerø? Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 19th March

Kulturhus – dobbelt så dyrt, Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 15th May


Penger På kanten: Underholdning eller forsøk på å gjøre ”en forskjell”? - in Kragerø Blad Vestmar, July

Sentrumsutviklingen – hva og hvor er planen? - in Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 5th Feb


Turistby i koma? , Kragerø Blad Vestmar, July

Schjørsvigen hærtatt! , Kragerø Blad Vestmar, July

Søppel i kroppen , Kragerø Blad Vestmar, Juni

Norge ikke særegent , Kragerø Blad Vestmar, April

Fleksitid i utelivet   , Kragerø-Avisa and Kragerø Blad Vestmar, Feb

Ja til Åtangen , Kragerø-Avisa and in Kragerø Blad Vestmar, Feb

Kragerøs Venezia      - in Kragerø-Avisa and in Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 26th Feb

Skjønnhet er lønnsomt    - in Kragerø-Avisa and in Kragerø Blad Vestmar, Feb


My short reply: Et helt folk i oljetåka     (Translation in English: "A Whole People in the Oil Fog") in Dagens Næringsliv ???

My complete reply: Et helt folk i oljetåka (Translation in English: "A Whole People in the Oil Fog")

Editorial reply to my letter (2. side leder): Det store fondet in Dagens Næringsliv    ("The big fund") 21 Nov.

Annerledespenger , in Dagens Næringsliv    (Translation in English: "Different money") 20 Nov.

Same argument as below - As a reply to Idar Kreutzer, group managing director of Storebrand and chairman of the board of The Association of the Financial Industry

Er norske økonomer blinde? , in Aftenposten, 19 Oct. ("Are Norwegian economists blind?") local copy

As a reply to Prof Kjell Storsletten. The argument is that money are legal claims to resources, and since the oil revenue consists of foreign money, the Norwegian oil fund is a claim on foreign resources. As such they cannot effect higher demand and inflation in Norway. Quite the opposite: For the best long term effects on Norwegian society the claims should be used for import of productive resources, such as competence and real capital in health, research and infrastructure.


Kirkebukta - gi oppdraget til lokale krefter , in Kragerø-Avisa and in Kragerø Blad Vestmar, March

Kulturhus - erfaringer fra Oppegård , in Kragerø-Avisa and in Kragerø Blad Vestmar, March


Invester i infrastruktur
, in Aftenposten, 10 Nov.

Alternativ til skyttergravskrig - om næringsnøytralitet , in Dagens Næringsliv, 7 Sept.

Skjerp boplikten - Styrk Kragerø , in Kragerø-Avisa and in Kragerø Blad Vestmar, 1 and 6 Sept.


Plan for dramatisk fortetting i Oppegård? , in Østlandets Blad, Sept

Fortetting og byggeskandaler i Oppegård , in Østlandets Blad, Sept

Hjemmet og rettsstatens forvitring , in Østlandets Blad, Sept

Sentraliser Kragerø , in Kragerø-Avisa , Feb

Nedskalering av Kragerø , in Kragerø Blad Vestmar, and in Kragerø-Avisa , Feb



Tullball fra Gjedrem , in Dagens Næringsliv    ("Nonsense from Gjedrem" - the central bank chief regarding the use of oil revenue, inflation etc)


Bruk oljepengene til import , in  Dagens Næringsliv,   - in  Word format  ("Use The Oil Revenue For Import")


  • Subsidiér kompetansebygging , in Dagens Næringsliv, 16 Sept.  ("Subsidise Creation of Competence")


    Libertinsk tvetydighet , in Dagens Næringsliv, 1 Dec. 

    Libertinere i politikken , in Dagens Næringsliv, 11 Nov.  (reply to comment)

    Overdreven avregulering , in  Dagens Næringsliv, 3 november 

    Fortielser og fortegnelser , in Dagens Næringsliv, (on belated wisdom after the financial crash)

    Creative Destruction Gone Too Far , in Wall Street Journal Europe, Letter to the Editor, with Gunnar Tomasson,  3 November

  • 1997:

    Oljepengene til infrastruktur , in Dagens Næringsliv, 14 Nov.

    Norway should invest in its people , in Wall Street Journal Europe, 23 Sept. - Letter to the Editor

    feature article , in Klassekampen

    feature article , in Klassekampen

    Oljeformuen - Bruk av oljepenger behøver slett ikke skape inflasjon  , in Nationen ("The Oil Wealth  - Use Of The Oil Revenue May Certainly Not Create Inflation") 


    feature article , in Nationen

    feature article , in Nationen

    Næringsnøsting i hvilken ende , in Klassekampen , feature article - 6 august

    Fysiokratenes venn , in
    Klassekampen  feature article - 5 august  ("Friend of the Physiocrats" )
    Criticising the Dean of The Norwegian Business School. Professor Victor Norman's liberalistic suggestions for tax policy. Later a Minister of Labour and Government Administration)


    Global velstand for alle, in Dagens Næringsliv    27 november

    Sats på jorden, in Dagens Næringsliv, 25 September

    Går verden konkurs? Gjeldskrasj i oktober? , in Klassekampen Sept:

    Passivitet som strategi , in Dagens Næringsliv, 7 June

    Blind passivitet som strategi, in Morgenbladet

    Unpublished professional essays:

    1999 Wealth Creation Through Public Procurement, School of Science, London


    1993: A Description of my Master Thesis in Economics (in English)

    1992: Interpretation and Generalisation - Empiricism and Rationalism as Traditions within the Methodology of Economics, Master Thesis in Economics.

    Summer 1992, University of Oslo, Norway (in Norwegian). A systematic evaluation of the rationalist school in Britain vs. the empirical Historical School in Britain and Germany, and the tradition of academic economics in Norway

    1991: Reflections on teaching economics, talk given at SID - Society for International Development, 5 Oct.

    1990: David Ricardo, student speech at the Institute for Economics, University of Oslo

    1990: Image of Man, Labour and Capital (Property) (in Norwegian)
                (a résumé of Hjalmar Hegge's Ideas, from his Freiheit, Individualität und Gesellschaft, 1988)

    1989: Image of Man and Nature (in Norwegian)
                (a personal resymé of Hjalmar Hegge's Ideas, from his Natur og Menneske, Oslo 1977): 

    1984: Emical vs. Ethical Research Approach.  (in Norwegian)
                A case for non-relativism as the ultimate basis for morality and therefore for science.

    1982: Strategies for Industrial Democracy (in Norwegian)
    The motivation and strategies of State, Capital and the Unions.

    1980: Local or Central Wage Settlements (in Norwegian)
                Political (corporate) adjustment vs. market adjustment of industrial competitiveness and -restructuring.

    1977: The Railroading and Execution of Sacco & Vanzetti. An introductory speech for Oslo Film Club.
                (in Norwegian) The suppression of Labour in the US in 1921. Lost manuscript.

    1976: The Spanish Civil War  1936-1939 (in Norwegian) -
                Particularly the reorganisation of the economy, organised by the Syndicalist labour unions.

    1976: Tanker omkring bedriftsdemokrati (in Norwegian) - The Organisation of Work in an Israeli Kibbutz

    1975: The Political Ideas of Leo Trotsky (in Norwegian) Conclusion: Not very different from that of Lenin.

    Unpublished popular articles:

    - most of them turned down by the Norwegian "Dagens Næringliv" (meaning Daily Business-life)

    Stortingets uansvarlige pyramidespill - short version
                (Finansskandalen ingen snakker om)







    ("Development or Exploitation ?  Technology-oriented dirigism than deregulation)
    on IMF, Africa (and on Professor Jørn Rattsø, Norway).

    (The World Bank - from Development to Exploitation)
    On the original intentions of the World Bank and the Bretton Woods Institutions, and how these intents were thwarted (and on Professor Jørn Rattsø, Norway).