
Literature on economics, history and world politics

- preferably politically incorrect...

- most are - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel, 


Hutchison, Terence Wilmot. (1938). The Significance and Basic Postulates of Economic Theory, London: Macmillan, reprinted with a new preface, by the author: New York: Augustus M. Kelley, 1960 and 1965 - chapters 8-13 (on the German tradition) Word - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel

Ingram, John Kells. (1888). A History of Political Economy ( pdf ) 

Katzen, Leo.  (1964).  Gold and the South African Economy  - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel

Larouche, Lyndon (pseud. Lyn Marcus) (1975). Dialectical Economics, An Introduction To Marxist Political Economy, Lexington, Mass.: Heath
     A book from his early Marxist period and background.


Rudolf Steiner. (1921) World Economy . The Formation of a Science of World-Economics. (html) - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel

A brilliant book in the German Idealist tradition by a true anarchist, available at the Steiner Archives


Employment and production

Friedländer-Prechtl, Robert. (1931). Wirtschafts-Wende. Die Ursachen der Arbeitslosen-Krise und deren Bekämpfung , Leipzig: P. List - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel
         - How to finance and create jobs.

List, Friedrich. (1827). Outline of American Political Economy (pdf) - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel

List's first famous book - written as a series of letters to the National Gazette - It became the textbook for the industrialisation of the USA and then Germany, Russia, Japan, China etc. Acrobat  Word 

List, Friedrich. (1837).
The Natural System of Political Economy (html) zip - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel

List's less famous book - written as a competitive treatise for the French Academy of Sciences -  and written in the German idealist tradition, with many details on his ideas on international trade agreements.
Acrobat   RTF zip    Text zip    Word zip


Schiller, Karl. (1936) Arbeitsbeshaffung und Finanzordnung in Deutschland ("Job Creation and Financial Order in Germany") Acrobat    Word  zip - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel
            How to finance and create jobs, published during a period which makes it blacklisted by politically correct economists. (some proof reading remains to be done in the tables) 



Lautenbach, Wilhelm. (1952). Zins, Kredit und Produktion, a collection of Essays and Letters between 1924 - 1947 with bibliography, edited by Wolfgang Stützel, Preface by Wilhelm Röpke, Tuebingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Word



Wray, L. Randall. (ed.). (2004). Credit and State Theories of Money . The Contributions of A. Mitchell Innes. (html) zip - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel
Acrobat    RTF zip    Text zip    Word zip



Amery, Leo. (1906). The Fundamental Fallacies of Free Trade,  Text   Word  - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel

by the main man who in 1940 in Britain, brought down Neville Chamberlain and put W. Churchill in his place.  First Lord of the Admiralty (1922-24) and then Colonial Secretary (1924-29). He was out of public office throughout the 1930s until 1940. With Duff Cooper, Amery formed Churchill's known core supporters. Less know is The Focus Group. Unlike Amery's later views, this book is an endless praise of Germany and its genius strategist, Friedrich List.


MacDonald, Ramsay MacDonald. (1903). The Zollverein and British Industry - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel 

Zimmern, Alfred Eckhardt. (1918). The Economic Weapon In the War Against Germany  
PDF - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel


These books, show that also Britain had an active policy of eugenics, as most other Western countries in the period 1890-1975.

Searle, George.
Eugenics and Politics in Britain 1900-1914  , Leyden: Noordhoff International Publishing - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel

Kennedy, Paul and Anthony Nichols, (ed). (1981). Nationalist and Racist Movements in Britain and Germany before 1914 , - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel


Scharffenberg, Johan. (1945). Quo Vadis Norvegia?  I. Grunnlovsrevisjon?, Oslo: Johan Grundt Tanum active - - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel
        (A discussion of a reform of the Norwegian Constititution, orginally from 1814. Scharffenberg argues that party dominated parliamentarism is detrimental to democracy and suggests a solution.)


Windelband, Wilhelm. (1901). A history of philosophy; with especial reference to the formation and development of its problems and conceptions (in pdf), RTF , Word2010

The classic work on the History of Philosophy, originally written in 1893.

The versions above have been edited in the way that chapters and sections are clickable, making the book easier to work with, using a navigation pane . Some major scanning omissions have been corrected, but there still is a myriad of tiny errors. Also there is no text in italics, since the text has been taken from the plain text version. So confer with the original pdf version when quoting: The original - Scanned  version is here.

"This history of philosophy is perhaps the best around, although published initially in 1893. It is written in a clear and well-structured way both concerning the historical and systematic aspects. It is written with a Neo-Kantian perspective, so there is reason to take causion about the (in my opinion) to positive and lenghty discussion on Aristotle and Kant, who definitely are his heroes, as opposed to Plato and Leibniz. There are some points Windelband has not grasped, like the crucial role of hypothesis in the great divide of philosophy between materialism and idealism. Nevertheless, I find the book a true must for any inquiring person."


Adams, Brooks. (1900) America's economic supremacy ( pdf )

Semmel, Bernard. (1960). Imperialism and Social Reform: English Social-Imperial Thought, 1895-1914, London : G. Allen & Unwin ( pdf ) ( txt ) - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel

A magnificent overview of the oft forgotten fascist tendencies in Britain before and after the turn of the 20th Century - including racialism and efforts for social reform. Should be read in conjunction with the books by Searle (1976) and Kennedy (1981).


List, Friedrich. (1837). Die Welt bewegt sich - Ueber die Auswirkungen der Dampfkraft und der neuen Transportmittel. - with photos - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel
("The World Moves - Over the Effects of Steam Power and the New Means of Transport")

List's less famous book - written as a competitive treatise for the French Academy of Sciences

List, Friedrich. (1838). Das deutsche  National-Transport-System in volks- und staatswirthschaftlicher Beziehung  Word

A much forgotten and important book originally published in the Staatslexicon in 1838, and an elaboration of the price treatise written in Paris in 1837, for the French Academy of Sciences.


Grenfell, Russell. (1953). Unconditional Hatred. German War Guilt and the Future of Europe, (Word - PDF) New York: THE DEVIN-ADAIR COMPANY, 1953 (In German: Bedingungsloser Haß), Amazon review

GENOCIDE of the Ethnic Germans in Yugoslavia 1944-1948  ( Word ) From a review:

"During the last ten years of the 20th century the whole world followed, with horror and detest, the terrible events in multi-ethnic Yugoslavia. .. 50 years earlier, in this very nation, a gruesome genocide, preplanned and directed by its highest leadership, took place. At that time ethnic German citizens of Yugoslavia were the victims, but the civilized world looked the other way.  

        After 1944, about 500,000 ethnic German citizens of Yugoslavia disappeared from their native land. Since Tito assumed power, and up to the deposition of  MiloÅ¡ević, Yugoslavian historical writings with reference to their former ethnic German citizens contained only lies, concealment of crimes and disavowal of the genocide. During more than 50 years the systematic falsification of history was also practiced by Yugoslavian writers. Only now, after they have overcome dictatorship, local people are gradually beginning to ask that the truth be told. One purpose of the book is to help them in this endeavour. It is a terrible, cruel, truth; not a pleasant, but a necessary reading. 

        The ethnic Germans whose ancestors had been living since 1686 in the area of the middle Danube region, then part of Hungary which in turn was part of the Habsburg Empire and since 1918 was attached to Yugoslavia, are of the opinion that world conscience cannot remain silent about the crimes and atrocities committed against them. But without knowledge, conscience cannot be raised. In order for world consciousness to learn about their fate and bring it to its awareness, the facts of the genocide and committed atrocities have to be recollected: orgies of murder, confiscation of  property, disfranchisement, shipment to  concentration camps, planned annihilation by starvation, epidemics, and ethnic re-education of children. – For that purpose, this book attempts to fight against suppression, concealment and forgetfulness. 

        ... over many generations the Danube Swabians, as the majority of the ethnic Germans in Yugoslavia were called, lived peacefully among other nationalities in their native homelands which were incorporated in the newly created Yugoslavia after World War I.

Ishimaru, Tota Commander (1936) Japan Must Fight Britain (as pdf) London: Hurst & Blackett
A scrutinising analysis of the political-economic situation in the pre-war Pacific by the author of : The Next World War, London: Hurst & Blackett, 1937

Keeling, Ralph Franklin. (1947). GRUESOME HARVEST. The Costly Attempt To Exterminate The People of Germany,  (Word - PDF) Chicago: INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN ECONOMICS

Keeling tells us why the USA changed from the Morgenthau policy to the Marshall plans. It is called COMPETITION  - from the USSR. The French-, British- and US. Morgenthau policy had ruined almost totally what was left of Germany after WW II. In 1946 US then realised that they were pushing the Germans onto the lap of "Uncle Joe", Stalin. Marshall had to initiate a new policy to rearm Germany one year after she had been beaten, in order to create a bulwark against the USSR - just like European conservatives had tried to in the 1930s - before they turned against Germany.

Preface :

"The change did not arise from any newly discovered fondness for our defeated subjects. ...  
, we had come to realize that while we were busily and blindly alienating the German people by carrying out one of the most brutal and terrifying peace programs ever inflicted on a defeated nation, Russia, who had been egging us on, was quietly preparing to come forward as their champion and to offer them an avenue of escape from us through the establishment of a unified, revived, and Communist Reich to be joined to the Soviet Union. This had been made clear by Molotov in July at Paris.

Germany is more than a mere pawn in the struggle for power between world ambitious Communist Russia and the West, she is the major price. World Communism has long coveted Germany as the brightest jewel in its crown. The Kremlin knows and we know that all Europe would have to fall before the combined might of a union between Soviet Russia and a resuscitated Reich.

Such an eventuality cannot be tolerated by Britain who, with a hostile Europe at her back, would find her very existence threatened. Nor could we countenance such a threat to England, because treatment of the British Isles as our first line of defense in the Atlantic is one of the imperatives of our present foreign policy.

Union between Soviet Russia and a sovietized Germany would mean war. To prevent war, we must therefore prevent the fruition of Russia's design. Hence, it becomes necessary that we attract Germany to our side and keep her there.

The situation demands a thorough review of our German program ..."


Spaight, J. M.  (1944). Bombing Vindicated  (pdf , Word ) - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel

Spaight (1877-1968) had been principal secretary of Britain's Air Ministry, and  was among the most prolific British writer on airpower during the first half of the 20th century.
Richman quotes Spaight in his Killing Noncombatants:

" "it was we who started the strategic [i.e., civilian] bombing offensive" with the "splendid decision" of May 11, 1940. ... the German attack on Coventry, ... occurred six months later (on November 14, 1940). ... part of the British bombing strategy was apparently to provoke German attacks on England in order to stimulate support for total war against the Third Reich. The official Air Ministry volume, The Royal Air Force, 1939-1945: The Fight at Odds (1953), stated: "The attack on the Ruhr, in other words, was an informal invitation to the Luftwaffe to bomb London."

Scrutton, Robert J. (1941) A People's Runnymede London: Andrew Dakers - - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel

            (42 mb photographic copy in Acrobat, and here a - Scanned  but unedited version in Rich text )

The book deals with British domestic policy but by extension it also deals with with the economic reasons for war with Germany, (as opposed to the invented  reasons such as freedom, civilisation and democracy, which should have precluded the Western alliance with Stalin). The economic reasons concern for instance Germany's foreign barter system that evaded London's as a hub of international finance. The book also deals with the illegal incarceration of several thousand political activists in Britain during WW II.

King-Hall, Stephen . (1946). Secret History of 1939-1940. "THE NORWEGIAN CAMPAIGN". FROM THE ARCHIVES OF THE FRENCH GENERAL STAFF.
With an Introduction and Notes by Commander Stephen King-Hall, REPORT NO. 5. Published by NATIONAL NEWS-LETTER, London: Chiswick Press.

Stephen William Richard King-Hall, Baron King-Hall of Headley, Cdr. RN. - Rich text  - PDF full version - - Scanned  by Jarle Johansen, Feb. 2008 -

How the Allied invasion of Norway (and Sweden) was planned and promoted by the French General Staff in March 1940 (before the German invasion in April 1940):
Excerpt from the Introduction:

        "This report enables you to find out what really happened in connection with the Norwegian campaign.

You will learn, may be to your surprise, the British and French Governments planned to invade Norway and seize the ports and aerodromes on her west coast, but that they were so dilatory in their methods that Hitler decided to go there first. ... 

        A word about the documents. They came into my possession long before the end of the war, so I locked them up. They were captured by the Germans in 1940 at the town of La Charite and reproduced with a limited circulation in order to convince the French that "the capacity for action of the Allies did not measure up to the grandeur of the plan and that (these documents) reveal to a staggering extent the incapacity of the Allied politicians and military commanders".

        I am bound to say that this German criticism had substance in 1940. For example, to quote from a document I have not included in this collection, it is hair-raising in retrospect to learn that on March 16th, 1940, General Gamelin in a Most Secret Memorandum, No. 325 Cab/D.N., was outlining plans to tighten up the blockade "in order to force Germany, through a combination of economic pressure and certain military operations, to emerge from her attitude of military expectancy".

        It will be found (when all the records are available)—I have good reasons for saying this—that Mr. Neville Chamberlain was very anxious not to incite Hitler to emerge from his waiting attitude."

Excerpt from Footnote to News-Letter No. 196 (Written in December, 1945)

    “In the light of the documents published in this report Mr. Churchill's remark in his speech in the House of Commons on 11th April, 1940, takes on a new and fuller meaning. He said: "I must declare to the House that I feel we are greatly advantaged by what has occurred, provided we act with increasing and increasing vigour to turn to the utmost profit the strategic blunder into which our mortal enemy has been provoked." (Hansard, col. 749.)

PROVOKED seems in retrospect to have been the operative word!—K-H.


Utley, Freda. (1949) The High Cost of Vengeance

From the homepage devoted to her: "About Germany after its defeat and the victorious Allies' occupation policies there. Introduction --Road to War; Chapter 6 "The Nuremberg Judgments" ... was the first analysis of the trials and has been a major research source of critical data. It is now again much quoted as World War II's war crimes are addressed and re-examined by the U.S. and U.N. with application to the Balkans & Iraq. ..."

Wittmer, Felix. (1953). THE YALTA BETRAYAL (Word - PDF) Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd.

How President F. D. Roosevelt and his Progressive friends built the USSR and gave Eastern Europe to Stalin. Well documented.


Preparations for WW II

These books speak freely where official Norwegian sources are "dumb" and even today continue the post-war fairy tale.

Derry, T. K. (1952).

The standard British reference work on the Western Powers' Campaign in Norway during April-May 1940.

Engdahl, F. William  HALFORD MACKINDER'S  NECESSARY WAR , Bill's original  (without my highlighting)

From the draft of Chapter 11, on the German invasion of Scandinavia and BeNeLux-France in April-June 1940.
How Germany was set up by France & Britain, and how Hitler's anglophile fantasies and naive chivalry towards France & Britain, lost him the war already in June 1940.

Engdahl is also author of  the best seller: A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order, 1993, republished in German in 2002, and republished in English 2004. Some of Bills' more recent articles on geopolitics and international finance may be found here: and here 


Hankey, Lord. (1950). POLITICS, TRIALS, AND ERRORS  (Chapter IV, on Norway) - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel

An open-hearted and  truly revealing biography by a first rank British diplomat of the WW I and WW II period. Lord Hankey was the main strategist behind the most effective British weapon in both these wars, as it had been during the Napoleonic Wars, the Atlantic blockade. This book "speaks freely where the official Norwegians are dumb".


Excerpts regarding the Nuremberg trials and the invasion of Norway:

"...  the British Government began to plan their major offensive in Norway a fortnight before the Germans. ...  The whole burden then of the Tribunal's account of this stage of the Norwegian campaign is to show that the Germans were already planning an act of aggression for which punishment must be meted out. They do not mention any of the evidence that the Allies were doing the same thing at the same time, indeed did so even before the Germans!  ... By the end of the year 1939 the work of planning and pre­paration on both sides was far advanced; but still we find the Tribunal piling up the case against the Germans, while forgetting to consider how far it was conditioned by the Allies.  (pp.71-72)


The story of the Norwegian Campaign, as told in the Nurem­berg Judgement, … it is not the whole truth. ... By adding the part of the story that has been omitted at the Trial it has been shown that, from the start of planning to the German invasion, both Great Britain and Germany were keeping more or less level in their plans and preparations. Britain actually started planning a little earlier, … Hitler, however, …, held back as long as he dared. … the Nuremberg Tribunal, by describing only the German side of the campaign, went so grievously astray.

Imagine that the situation had been reversed, that Germany had won the war and had set up such a Tribunal, with the same Charter, to try its enemies: does anyone doubt the result, so far as the Norwegian campaign is concerned? … The operation would have been declared an act of aggression and everyone concerned in it — members of the War Cabinet, Chiefs of Staff, Joint Planning Committees,Admirals, Generals and Air Marshals galore would,would, on the Nuremberg analogy, have beentried, condemned and executed! … Politics and legal Trials of this sort do not mix. They are grievous errors for which we all pay dearly in years of waiting - waiting for a Peace which cannot be born of vengeance but must flow from justice." (pp.78-79)

The matter is much worse than what Hankey claims. Hankey forgets that Norway was not a neutral nation in practice, since she had allowed herself to be forced into an economic alliance with Great Britain (blockade, merchant fleet etc), thereby making a Germany invasion and occupation legal according to international law.

Hart,  B. H. Liddell. (1970). History of the Second World War, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York. - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel
           CHAPTER 6,

This book by probably the most recognised British historian of WW II, again "speaks freely where official Norwegian sources are dumb". An interesting point is that Hart shows the smallness of the German force which captured Norway, contrary to the Norwegian national myth of overwhelming German power.

Mosier, John. (2003) The Blitzkrieg Myth, Harper Collins 2003,  ch.5 The Germans and the Allies Prepare for War   - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel


Reynaud, Paul. (1948). Frankrike lenket og fritt until page 95 (English translation: In the Thick of the Fight , 1955) - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel

(Reynaud was France's Prime Minister in 1940. This is his memories from this crucial time in the history of France, the excerpt concerns the period before the German invasion of Scandinavia and France/Be-Ne-Lux. He states that the German invasion of Scandinavia was deliberately provoked by France and Britain - in order to pull Scandinavia into the war on the side of the Western powers, spread the German forces and easy the pressure on France. Furthermore he states that Germany was deliberately provoked by France and Britain to invade Belgium and the Netherlands. Germany was provoked into action: "As we see, our Chief Command was very eager to bring us into the position of being the attacked."... "drive Germany out of her military waiting position", "We must ... win over Germany by strangulating her.")

Books in Norwegian

(with commentaries in English)

Most books are - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel


Norwegian History - WW II

The report by the Norwegian Parliament ('Storting') on the background for the occupation of Norway: (32 mb)



Steinsvik, Martha m/flere 1946  «FRIMODIGE YTRINGER», OSLO. - Scanned  by Astrup Nilssen, December 2003

("Frank remarks")

This book describes the illegal political activities in Norway after the end of WW II, written by an independent observer. The book was published by herself without the aid of any established publishing house. It was published in several editions as new material poured in. This third edition was the final. Martha Steinsvik was the mother of the courageous newspaper editor in the north-western town of Molde, Kjell Steinsvik, who opposed the Labour Party rule before and after WW II, and likewise opposed the Nazi regime during the war.

Sand, John. (1999).  "ELVERUMS-FULLMAKTEN" Hva var nÃ¥ det?, Oslo: Historisk Forlag. - Scanned  by Astrup Nilssen, December 2003
("The Elverum Authorization - What was it") A legal discussion of the alleged Parliament authorization at Elverum to the Labour Government - later to be the Norwegian Government-in-exile in London.

This is a legal discussion of the legitimacy of the emergency authority presumably given by the Norwegian Parliament at a gathering at Elverum in April 1940, to the escaping Labour Government, later the exile-government in London during the remaining part of WW II. The conclusion is that there was no such emergency authority given, nor could it be given as the Constitution forbids it. The acts of that government were therefore illegal, as was the trials of treason after the war.

Brochman, B. Dybwad (1940), Den 9. april - Norge og verdensrevolusjonen, ( PDF ) Bergen: Eget forlag - - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel
("April the 9th. Norway and the World Revolution") 

This book is something quite apart from the main stream, and should therefore be of interest as a more "neutral" non-partisan opinion on the matters in 1940. Brochmann holds, however, extremely clear opinions and takes a strong side for the occupying German force - for reasons that are thoroughly debated in this book. Brochmann crucifies the illegal and unconstitutional actions by the parliament's politicians, and discusses the traditional and unholy alliance between Labour, the State Lutheran Church and the Money Power. He attacks financial capitalism and promotes a moral productive system. He positions the centre of this outmoded system of privileges in London and debates the efforts of Germany to promote a world revolution in the interests of morality and the labouring man. Brochmann was tried for his opinions after the war, and was sentenced to 3,5 years of imprisonment.

Brochmann was the leader of a Christian "revival" party, Samfundspartiet, and was a representative member of the Norwegian Parliament. Brochmann is a harsh critic of both Marxism and the Capitalist system. At his time, Brochmann was the only representative who refused to receive salary for his work in the Parliament. He defended the Jewish people and was also the only representative who voted against a forced sterilisation of the Romani people. A man of principles.

Døssland, Kristen. Norrønafolket i Opphav og Vandring (1949) Hønefoss: Eget forlag. - Scanned  by Lars Rønbeck 

A story of how the Gothic (and Nordic) peoples descend from the lost 10 tribes of Israel. Deported by the Assyrian king in 7th Century BC and then spread northwards through Eastern Europe to North-West Europe and Scandinavia. See also . and a critical review of the British version of this theory:

International politics

Hearford, Arthur. (1941). Norge og England  - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel

- an amazing collection of quotes from Norway's leading persons  (Ibsen, Bjørnson, Garborg, Wergeland etc.) on England during the period 1865-1939, but mainly after 1900. War propaganda yes, but still reliable.

Maseng, Einar. (Ambassador in Moscow 1940) (1953). 1905 OG 1940. En leksjon i maktpolitikk. Oslo: Tanum PDF format. - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel

("1905 and 1940 - A lecture in Power Politics ")  A must read !!
    How Norwegian politicians divided the Nordic countries and played along as a vassal state of the European Sea power, Britain.

Maseng, Einar. (Ambassador in Moscow 1940) (1972). Utsikt over de nordeuropeiske lands utenrikspolitikk i de siste Ã¥rhundrer III  - Scanned  by Prof. Lars Mjøseth
( "Perspective on the foreign policy of the North-European countries in the last centuries")  - on the period before WW I

A brilliant manuscript from around 1965 (in Norwegian) by the late diplomat Einar Maseng.
It was meant to be volume 3 in his multivolume masterpiece, but he did not manage to finish it before he died in 1972.

All 3 were republished 2005 by Universitetsforlaget, Oslo.

Aall, Herman Harris. (1939). Verdensdespotiet og havets frihet, ( PDF ) by Prof. of International Law, Oslo: Nikolai Olsen. - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastøl

("World Despotism and the Freedom of the Seas")

This well documented book discusses Britain's traditional rule of violence over the Seas, and the efforts of the neutral states, especially Scandinavia and the Netherlands, to promote a Rule of Law over the Seas. The book was translated into German as: Weltherrschaft und die Rechtlosigkeit der Meere, Essen: Essener Verlagsanstalt, 1940.   

Aall, Dr. Herman Harris & Prof. Nils Gjelsvik. (1932). Revolusjonspolitikk og norsk lov  - Scanned  by Arno Mong Daastoel

Preface by Knut Hamsun (Nobel Laureate in Literature) Word  ("Revolution Policy and Norwegian Law")

A study of the the relationship between Norwegian revolutionary movements and the Norwegian Constitution, based on a Parliamentary Report on the revolutionary movements (
Stortingsinnstilling nr. 184, 1932 )
    This is also an important and well documented study of the policy of the Comintern (the international Communist organisation) and therefore of Stalin's international ambitions, thereby giving crucial background information for the pre-WW II events in Europe and the rest of the world. This makes e.g. F. D. Roosevelt's policy appear as embarrassingly naive, to say the least.
    Regarding of the Norwegian case, the study documents in details how Norwegian politicians, Communists and Labour and the LO trade union federation, were directly subordinated to Moscow orders, also after Labour's so-called breach with Comintern in 1923. The study furthermore documents how the LO and the Labour party were paid huge sums by Moscow to advance revolution in Norway, and make her a Soviet "ally" with Russia (on one occasion alone, one 1 million crowns, or around 30 million US dollars in the year 2007, in a country with only 3 million people).
    This study therefore argues, on the legal basis of the Norwegian Constitution and the Parliament report, that these revolutionaries therefore were traitors, in the service of a foreign power, and should be treated as such. Furthermore, the study criticises the other political parties that they are too submissive to these "Moscow servants".
    This is a part of history that has simply been left out of official Norwegian history writing, and similarly so in the recent "revisionist" book by Lars Borgersrud's "Konspirasjon og kapitulasjon", which only looks at the coup-plans of "the other side", and which were minor in comparison to the Moscow plans.
    To these plans should be added the invasion plans of the USSR against Scandinavia and northern Norway in particular, the so-called operation 'Reindeer' or 'Poro' in Russian, starting in 1932 and rehashed in 1935/36. (See Wikipedia and Axis forum).

External links

A true classic and a mind-buster of a book is Dr. Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope . Chapters 12 and 13 explain the events leading to WW II. 
(This web version consists of excerpts) Dr. Carroll Quigley is best known as Bill Clinton's professor of history at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University. He also taught at Princeton and at Harvard. His 1300 page book "Tragedy and Hope" is unique among other history books in its exposure of the role of International Banking cabal behind-the-scenes in world affairs.

sweetliberty has digitalised a number of odd books under the title "How Wars are Made. BEHIND THE SCENES ".
Many of these books are definitely not politically correct, but well worth a look. Note the German White Book from 1939, and MP. Captain A.H.M. Ramsay's book The Nameless War. Michael Walsh's book Witnes to History consists a vast amount of truly astonishing quotes from acknowledged "authorities". His recent
book Round One to the Barbarians (2005) is similarly remarkable, in spite of some repetitions etc.


You may also find a number of interesting books at

A learned book from "the other side" is Wirsing's
1942 description of Roosevelt's fight for hegemony:
Prof. Charles Beard's books fills Wirsing out regarding WW II developments, and for Post WW II developments and the design of the Bretton Woods insititions, see e.g. Michael Hudson: Super-Imperialism. The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominance, 1968 and 2003

An early description of allied war crimes is Keeling's Gruesome Harvest 1947.
Only several decades later was this theme explored significantly further, by people like
Victor Gollancz  (George Orwell's first publisher), Alfred-Maurice de Zayas and James Bacque.