Saving email filter settings in Outlook Express.

I use Outlook Express because it is the fastest and has more flexibility than any other except larger Office programs, but these are much slower, especially when the mail files start to grow. Microsoft Office Outlook behaves like a turtle if the file grows large. However saving the mail filtering is a bit awkward in Outlook Express, so:


For advanced users. Always save registry settings before changing them!
Click start (low left button), click run, write regedit.
To save registry settings, click "File", then click Export. Write a name for the registry backup and choose where to save it. (Preferably on another partition than the windows partition.)
A restore is done later simply by clicking the saved backup registry file. The same goes for the file with the mail settings.

So, to the main job:
Find the mail registry key to save. In my case it is:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\{6172D04A-992B-46A5-8506-890E719559E3}\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0\Rules\Mail

In your case the Identity number will be different from {6172D04A-992B-46A5-8506-890E719559E3}
If you have trouble finding it, identify the location by making one rule first in Outlook Express (Tools / Message Rules / Mail  etc...)
When you find it, mark it and: Click "File", then click Export. Write a name for the registry backup and choose where to save it. (Preferably on another partition than the windows partition.)


Whenever you set up the computer anew, your identity will change and the backup cannot be used again directly.
The thing to do is written nowhere as far as I know. But here is a way to do it:
Make one new rule and save the new mail registry key as described above.
Open the new saved key with the notepad program. Copy the identity. (mark the identity between the brackets { } and click Cntrl + C )
Open the old (larger) saved key with the notepad program. In this file, you use the "search and replace" function in notepad (shortcut = Cntrl + H) to replace the old identity { } with the new one { } . Click "Replace all".
Close the window with the new file.
Save and replace the old file as the new file.
Thereby you will have two large files with the same rules but different identities.
Mission accomplished.